New Apple Watch Technology Encourages Healthier Lifestyles
Americans are very thoughtful about their health and wellness, and it shows with the popularity of Apple Watches, Fitbits, and other electronic wearables. These fashion-forward technologies are also enjoyed throughout the world, including Singapore. On September 21, 2020, CEO of Alvarez Technology Group, Luis Alvarez, shared how the Singapore government is starting to reward Apple Watch wearers for living healthier lifestyles. “Health care wearables including the Apple Watch and Fitbit Watch are very popular in Singapore,” Luis said. He continued to say that recently the Singapore government began to give its citizens new Apple Watches, so they can keep track and monitor their lifestyles. “Their goal is to monitor their activities like physical activity, meditation and reward them with cash at the end of the year,” he said. An article in stated that those participating in activities like swimming and yoga and completing health screenings and immunizations can earn a maximum of around $280 over the program’s two-year run.

Luis continued to explained that Apple’s newly released Apple Watch features new technology that can track the wearer’s health and monitor lifestyle. Apple Watch and other brands in the industry have become health-related wearables that can automatically track activity levels, heart rate, and sleep patterns. Apple’s new watch includes additional features that can monitor the wearer’s blood oxygen levels which is very relevant in the COVID-19 pandemic times we are experiencing. If someone has COVID-19, one major indicator is having lower than normal blood oxygen levels. Luis said, “For people who are concerned about contracting COVID-19, wearing a new Apple Watch is one way to keep track of it.”
Luis said that health care insurance companies in the States have similar programs and provide their customers with health-related wearables as well. He said that Fitbit wearables are free to patients who have early-stage diabetes and other medical conditions, so they can keep track of their health. He used BlueCross and BlueShield insurance health plans as an example of a company establishing health-related programs. Anyone who has this coverage should contact their insurance provider to see if and how they can enroll. “The whole idea is that we monitor our behavior and are healthier because of it, the overall cost of delivering health care is reduced, which in the end is good for everybody,” Luis said.
Luis concluded the conversation by explaining that readings on wearables like Apple and Fitbit watches are just indicators to alert you if there may be something wrong, and you should always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider to be accurate. He said the wearable is accurate enough to provide early signs of health-related problems, including COVID-19.