A Transition From Surveillance to Intelligent Actions Using Digital Eyes Without Spending a Fortune
Key Points:
- For years, surveillance cameras have been the modern eye to help recognize suspicious movements in businesses and home areas.
- However, things are changing fast, and relying on cameras that only record activities isn’t enough.
- Alvarez Technology Group and Deep Sentinel are incorporating several solutions to give the digital eyes the brain to analyze a live event and respond in real-time.
- The security system presents surveillance that prevents home intrusion, trespassing, auto tampering, loitering, vandalism, and package theft.
- The system includes a surveillance camera, live guard watch, two-way speakers and mic, and instance police response.
As home invasion crimes and homeless squatting grow, fake cameras or ones that only record activity are not enough. Of all the security measures you can take, the best pertains to installing an intelligent security system to keep an eye on your property.
It would be best if you had creative tactics to fend off invaders and squatters at any time of the day or night.

The Problem of Installing a Typical Surveillance
Like many other cities, California cities focus on revitalizing many of their aging downtowns. A significant hurdle cities face is dealing with the homeless seeking shelter from the elements that need renovations.
The huge problem, however, is that homelessness is often associated with crime. If you install a traditional surveillance camera, you’ll have difficulty separating criminals from other homeless people.
A New Affordable Security Surveillance Approach Involving Real Human Guards Watching Your Cameras for Real-Time Response
Alvarez Technology Group is working with the downtown city center group in Salinas to deploy an interactive security system called Deep Sentinel to offer real-time crime intervention.
The system dispels the assumption that security cameras record only when you leave the property. Instead, the security system can intelligently monitor everything on your property at any time of the day to ensure you’re protected.
The Components of the Deep Sentinel Security System
The security system entails several parts, which include:
- Cameras detect: The system has smart security cameras that stream within seconds to a local artificial intelligence hub to detect potential threats. AI makes the camera quickly detect threats compared to other cameras.
- Human guard watch: Through the live video surveillance, the system includes a human guard who watches every time a person steps on your property in real-time. The human guard can help you engage potential criminals using two-way audio.
- Instance police contact: When a need to contact the police arises, the human watchguard can contact the police within a second.
- 2-Way speaker and mic: The security system has a 2-way speaker that allows the human guard to intervene in crime.
The Human Guards in the Security System
The Deep Sentinel security system is so sophisticated that it allows the security guards to address intruders depending on what they do.
For instance, if a person is trespassing your property, the guard can address them based on their appearance, saying, “Hey, I see you. You’re wearing a hoodie, and you’re trespassing private property. Stop it.”
However, you shouldn’t confuse the system with the barking-orders system. The guards are trained to make the interventions personal. Apart from trespassing, the human guards will protect your business or home from:
The human in the security system can help protect your business from potential damage.
For instance, replacing a broken glass door can cost between $10,000 to $15,000. The system will allow human guards to prevent vandalism before it occurs. The system aims to protect the Salina community by deterring vandalism before it happens.
The security system is significant contract work for redevelopment projects in downtown Salinas, and the human can communicate with the offender to stop them from doing property damage.
Interactive monitoring is a new tool to prevent home invasions and robberies. The guards can tell suspects that they’re calling the police. The robbers will know they’ll be caught and convicted with felony charges in Monterey County.
The security system will help prevent organizations’ assets from getting stolen.
For instance, a subcontractor forgot to secure $20,000 worth of copper wire. One of the Deep Sentinel guards noted it and immediately called the police at midnight when they realized that school wires were lying in public.
During the incident, the security system prevented the theft of the copper wire.
Unwanted Visitors
Some areas of an organization require protection from unwanted attendance. Every business has multiple security threats, but unauthorized entry is one of the most challenging things to control. The Deep Sentinel security system can help companies to keep an eye on restricted areas so unwanted visitors cannot have access.
Having intelligent surveillance alone can’t stop break-ins. The system will help you identify and stop forced entry before it occurs. While the system alone can’t stop 100% crime, it deters crime overall.
You can deter loitering events in your business without hiring on-site security guards to protect your property after hours. The problem with an onsite-security guard can only be in one place at a time or can fall asleep. The Deep Sentinel can help you watch every part of the organization’s property and save you the money you’d spend on on-site guards.
Package Theft
A security system at your door can reduce the chances of package theft by 50%. It would be best if you kept an eye on your delivery to protect it from porch pirates swiping packages off doorsteps.
Package theft is often a crime of opportunity — always quick. Installing the Deep Sentinel security system to monitor deliveries.
Alvarez Technology Group and Deep Sentinel Will Offer You Affordable Security System
A smart home security system is taking over surveillance because of its pervasive nature of self-learning capabilities. Organizations and homeowners are installing an intelligent surveillance infrastructure to participate in the city’s renovation.
Are you considering getting a security system for your home or business, Alvarez Technology Group and Deep Sentinel can help you. We’re trying to bring affordable and effective home and business security systems, and you can leverage the opportunity too.
Contact us today to get an excellent deterrent to many security threats on your property.